8.3.2009 | 16:23
Ég er ekki ađ segja eđa gefa í skin ađ Jón Ásgeir eigi í stríđi viđ spilafíkn, en ţetta er athyglisvert og útrásarvíkingarnir mćttu grínlaust velta ţessu fyrir sér.
Action gamblers are addicted to the thrill of risk-taking. Gambling itself is their drug. They usually gamble with others, since part of the rush is beating the house or other gamblers. Action gamblers usually prefer games of skill, such as card games, craps, and sports betting. They may also play the stock market.
Gambling addiction is sometimes referred to as the "hidden illness" because there are no obvious physical signs or symptoms like there are in drug or alcohol addiction. Problem gamblers typically deny or minimize the problem. They also go to great lengths to hide their gambling. For example, problem gamblers often withdraw from their loved ones, sneak around, and lie about where theyve been and what theyve been up to.
People with gambling problems typically go through four phases, progressing from recreational gambling to problem gambling and finally to gambling addiction. Each phase can last from months to years.
- Winning phase The winning phase often starts with a big win, leading to excitement and a positive view of gambling. Problem gamblers believe they have a special talent for gambling and that the winning will continue. They begin spending greater amounts of time and money on gambling.
- Losing phase Problem gamblers become more and more preoccupied with gambling. They start to gamble alone, borrow money, skip work, lie to family and friends, and default on debts. They also begin to "chase" their losses: gambling in order to win back money that was lost.
- Desperation phase Problem gamblers lose all control over their gambling. They feel ashamed and guilty after gambling, but they cant stop. They may cheat or steal to finance their addiction. The consequences of compulsive gambling catch up with them: they may lose their jobs, get divorced, or get arrested.
- Hopeless phase In the hopeless phase, problem gamblers hit rock bottom. They dont believe that anyone cares or that help is possible. They dont even care if they live or die. They may abuse drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Many problem gamblers also consider or attempt suicide.
Hver sem tengir viđ ţetta á góđa möguleika á ađ ná bata og eiga ótrúlega gott líf ef hann leitar ađstođar. til dćmis hjá SÁS, samtökum áhugafólks um spilafíkn.
Alla erlendu greinina má finna hér: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/gambling_addiction.htm
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